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https://atomiic.io/ | Title: | https://atomiic.io/ | URL: | https://atomiic.io/ | Description: | Creating an exchange account, signing in and placing an order every time you want to switch cryptos is like using a sledgehammer to crack a walnut. It’s an incredibly inefficient way to jump between cryptos, and given that no exchange has all the coins, it necessitates creating multiple accounts, with the added verification and security risks this entails. Crypto-swapping platforms promise to do the hard work for you, plugging into exchange APIs and exchanging coins on your behalf. Atomiic claims to offer the best exchange rate possible without the need to manually place buy/sell orders. It manages this by combining over 10 exchanges to give users more low-cap and low liquidity tokens at spot price. Currently, you can swap BTC, ETH and USDT into over 70 different tokens, from XEM and REM to BCH and DASH. All of the exchange flows to your wallet can be tracked on-screen. Blockchain is a cryptographically secured, time-stamped, public and distributed database of every bitcoin transaction that has ever occurred on the network. "Distributed" here means that the information in the blockchain is broadcast to and recorded by every node in the network. There is no one central database. Any user can refer to this list of transactions and check exactly what how many bitcoins have ever belonged to any specific address at any point in time. This way the system is transparent, double-spending is prevented, and there is no need for a trusted central authority. |