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CP7 Gas Checks | Title: | CP7 Gas Checks | URL: | https://www.weldingsuppliesdirect.co.uk/welding-equipment/cp7-cp47-gas-equipment-safety-inspections.html | Description: | 6BCGA CP 7 –Revision 8Safety Data Sheets provide detailed information on the properties of a gas as well as advice on handling and storage. They can be obtained for all gases and are to be available for the user of the gas. It is a legal requirement that the gas supplier provides a Safety Data Sheet to the customer whenever a product is supplied for the first time.All gases have their hazards, and appropriate control measures, identified by risk assessment, shall be provided to protect all persons who may be affected by anescape, leak oraccumulation of gases into the workplace.Refer to BCGA Guidance Note (GN) 11 (60), The management of risk when using gases in enclosed workplaces.If additional information is required contact your gas supplier for advice.4.LEGISLATIONThe Health and Safety at Work etc. Act (1), places duties on organisations and employers to protect the health and safety of employees and / or members of the public. The duties include the provision and maintenance of plant and systems of work that are, so far as is reasonably practicable, safe and without risks to health. This includes the use of pressure equipment.There are several Regulations which are relevant to the use of pressure equipmentin oxy-fuel applications.The Pressure Equipment (Safety) Regulations(15), which implement the EuropeanUnion Pressure Equipment Directive (PED) (16), providea legal structure whereby pressure equipment can be manufactured and sold throughout Europe and coversthe first placement on the marketand putting into service of pressure equipment and assemblies.The Provision and Use of Work Equipment Regulations (PUWER) (4) which requires that work equipment should not result in health and safety risks, regardless of its age, condition or origin. The PUWER (4) requires that the employer selects suitable equipment and carries out appropriate maintenance, inspection, identifies any specific risks and provides suitable information, instructions and training.The HSEprovide further guidance on the PUWER (4) within HSE L22 (20), Safe use of work equipment. Provision and Use of Work Equipment Regulations 1998. Approved Code of Practice and guidance.Gas pressure equipment operating above 0.5 bar is regulated by the Pressure Systems Safety Regulations (PSSR) (6). The PSSR (6) requires such equipment to be examined and maintained. It should be noted that the overall intention of the PSSR (6) is to prevent serious injury from the hazard of stored energy, as a result of the failureof a pressure system or one of its component parts. The primary responsibility for compliance with these regulations lies with the user of the pressure equipment and it is the users’ responsibility to enlist any assistance required to comply with the Regulations.The HSE provide guidance on the PSSR (6) in HSE L122 (23), Safety of pressure systems. Pressure Systems Safety Regulations 2000. |