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| SearchWeb.Today Free Internet Web Directory » Health » Nutrition VISIOLAN Rosa Damascena Extrakt Tropfen Vor allem zur Weihnachtszeit duftet es allerorts nach Zimt – die wenigsten wissen, dass sich Zimt ganzjahrlich positiv auf die Gesundheit auswirken kann. Das Gewurz, das bereits in der traditionellen chinesischen Medizin eingesetzt wurde, senkt den Blutdruck, regt die Verdauung an und fordert die Durchblutung im Korper.
Viele Internetseiten und Apotheken bieten mittlerweile Produkte mit Zimt an. Daher ist es nachvollziehbar, dass die richtige Kaufentscheidung oftmals schwer fallt. Tabletten, Kapseln und Tropfen haben die Produktpalette im Laufe der Jahre wachsen lassen.
Besonders bei einer schnellen und direkten Aufnahme durch den Korper entfaltet das Zimt seine Wirksamkeit. Deshalb sollte das Zimt in flussiger Form eingenommen werden. Fur viele lautet deshalb die richtige Losung:
VISIOLAN Zimtextrakt-Tropfen
Das hochwertige, vom Korper gut resorbierbare und wasserlosliche Extrakt enthalt als Naturprodukt weder kunstliche Zusatzstoffe noch Koffein oder andere aufputschende Substanzen. Die Einnahme der Tropfen ist leicht und unproblematisch. 3 mal taglich 5 Tropfen des Extrakts in einem Getrank nach Wahl reichen bereits, um von den vielfaltigen Wirkungen zu profitieren. Sie erhalten das Zimtextrakt in einer dunklen Glasflasche, die das Produkt vor Licht schutzt und so die Haltbarkeit gewahrleistet und die Frische verlangert. Das Produkt besteht aus Zimt in Premiumqualitat. Fur die Herstellung des Extrakts benutzen wir ausschließlich reinen und qualitativ hochwertigen Zimt.
Hergestellt wird der Extrakt von einem GMP (good manufacturing practice) zertifiziertem Pharmaunternehmen, zusatzlich ist es durch das Swiss Quality Testing kontrolliert und zertifiziert!
Unser Zimt entstammt biologisch-dynamischer Landwirtschaft, der gesamte Produktionsprozess entspricht den hochsten Qualitatsstandards fur Lebensmittel und befindet sich unter standiger Kontrolle eines Lebensmitteltechnikers. Bitte sprechen Sie uns zu Fragen rund um den Herstellungsprozess gerne an! - Details
Buy cordyceps Sinensis Cordyceps sinensis stimulates the liver (including assistance to detoxification processes), supports the immune system in fighting (viral) liver infections and inhibits operative changes in the liver (fibrosis, cirrhosis). The medicinal mushroom is often (complementary) used in China for the treatment of liver diseases such as hepatitis A, B and C, liver fibrosis and cirrhosis. In a clinical study where a blend of medicinal mushrooms such as Cordyceps were used to measure effectiveness of the antiviral drug lamivudine in the treatment of hepatitis B, it helped significantly. In another study, liver tests improved the health of all 22 subjects with liver cirrhosis (hepatitis) after three months of 6 to 9 grams of Cordyceps ingestd daily.
Cordyceps sinensis is used in Asian countries to treat kidney disease. The fungus protects the kidneys from damage (drug induced) oxidative stress and inflammation and deterioration of kidney functions. In several human studies involving patients with renal failure, the efficacy of Cordyceps was investigated. The longest duration (10-12 months) used the test subjects 3 to 5 grams of Cordyceps per day, resulting in significant improvement of renal function.
Cordyceps Sinensis treatment for Respiratory Illness
Cordyceps is used in TCM within the various symptoms and diseases of the airways such as coughing, mucus production, shortness of breath, asthma and COPD. Research is needed to determine the effectiveness of Cordyceps to better identify these indications.
Cordyceps Treatment for cancer
Cordyceps Sinensis treatment for Cancer
There is much experimental evidence from in vitro studies and animal studies that Cordyceps sinensis an inhibitory effect on the onset and progression of cancer, especially polysaccharides in Cordyceps have a strong anti-cancer activity, partly by strong activation of the immune. * Also sterols and adenosine in Cordyceps have antitumor activity. The medicinal mushroom in countries like Japan, Korea and China by cancer chemotherapy or radiation in addition to frequently used for side effects of conventional treatments such as immunosuppression and the combat effectiveness of cancer therapy to increase. - Details
low FODMAP protein powder Casa de Sante is a gut friendly low FODMAP brand founded by Onyx Adegbola, MD PhD, a physician scientist and former pharmaceutical executive. Dr Adegbola received her PhD at the Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine and completed her medical training at Columbia University and the University of Pennsylvania. A mother of rambunctious triplets, she has observed the effectiveness of the low FODMAP diet for digestive sensitivities firsthand in her own family. Dr Adegbola is a member of Mensa who enjoys cooking and reading in her spare time. - Details
Herbal Detox Tea Info Aids Weight Reduction: While detox tea alone is not a magic weight reduction service, it can be a supportive tool when integrated with a balanced diet and regular workout. Some detoxification teas contain active ingredients like eco-friendly tea or oolong tea, which have been shown to improve metabolism and rise fat oxidation, consequently potentially helping in weight management efforts. Boosts Power Degrees: Detox tea typically has ingredients that have all-natural energizing impacts. As an example, ginseng and yerba friend are recognized for their capacity to improve performance, focus, and overall energy degrees. By changing sweet or caffeinated drinks with detoxification tea, people may experience sustained energy throughout the day without the accident related to caffeine. - Details